Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Treasured Ones: The Good News

Arianna is smiling now.  And wearing her dangly earrings and pretty beads.  She has a place to stay; a place where she can have nutritious meals, general care, medical attention and safety.

This was not the case only months before.  This is not the case for many seniors in the ravaged country of Haiti.  And if you're anything like me, the news coming from this desperate land can make us want to turn away.  

But we refuse.  And if I find myself despairing of anything good here, I just think of Arianna and her housemates at Auberge des Vieillards in Pignon.  Living out the vision of EMCC Leader and Pastor Abdon, and his wife Lumide to build a senior's residence, there are now ten beautiful, vibrant and vulnerable human beings being cared for by paid staff and volunteers under the leadership of Pastor Abdon and the Leadership Committee.

Arianna and all those at A des V will once again be the focus of Highview's Haiti Dinner and Silent Auction already booked for Saturday, February 22, 2025.  A fabulous turkey dinner, plus a wide variety of quality items on which to place a bid.

Arianna reminds us that all is not lost.  Not as long as love prevails, the gospel is proclaimed, and hope stays bright in the eyes of a treasured one like her.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Supporting our Staff at A des V

Prayer focus for this week:

All the faithful, caring staff who look after our Seniors at Auberge des Vieillards.

Their task are many and noble.

They serve in modest and challenging conditions.

We pray for their stamina and strength and compassion 
as they tend to the needs of some of Haiti's most vulnerable people.


May God bless and protect you as you serve Him and our seniors.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

That Smile!

One of our Seniors at Auberge des Vieillards is all smiles.  His name is Carius, and his face is full of joy.

It's hard to find happy things to talk about when it comes to the nation of Haiti.
And the temptation is perhaps not say anything at all.
But Carius' smile will be our symbol of good news.
That in the midst of anything, God is present, and good wins.
This is what our fine friends at A des V know without a doubt, as their caregivers provide love and protection in these latter years.

It's still important to know what's going on, and that's why I've included a few links here for further reading if you are so inclined.  It does seem that lately some order may be coming out of the chaos, and some justice may be found to stand against the violence.

In this we rejoice.

AP Article re Follow Up on May Killings of Missionaries

Thank you to all who faithfully pray and give.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A Celebration of Loyalty and Love

We are delighted to pass on this invitation to any who would like to join in celebrating this remarkable woman.

I love how EMCC World Partners puts it.  "...celebrating and commissioning Marilyn into a new stage of life and ministry."  Yes!!!!

World Partners is pleased to host a celebration gathering for Marilyn McIlroy, celebrating her obedience to Jesus in the many ways she has served through World Partners for over 40 years. Please see the invite below and RSVP if you are able to join us. 

We look forward to celebrating and commissioning Marilyn into a new stage of life and ministry.

Director of World Partners

Thursday, May 2, 2024

In it For the Long Haul - Marilyn McIlroy

Just a link for you today.

The Long Haul Perspective - Marilyn McIlroy

This is a 4:32 minute video produced by the Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada interviewing long-haul missionary to Haiti, Marilyn McIlroy.

While we continue to pray for peace in Haiti, it's helpful to hear the voices of those who know the country and the ministry there well.  

Friday, April 19, 2024

Prayers for Haiti

In the prolonged space of chaos and uncertainty, it's hard to get regular updates about much else than the state of the Haitian nation.  

And news is not good.  

And it seems to go on and on.

So for today's posting, all I'm hoping for is to give us a few reminders and incentives to never give up praying.

Some Scriptures to Reflect On

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and the needy."
Proverbs 31:8-9

"Answer me, LORD, out of the goodness of your love;
in your great mercy turn to me.
Do not hide your face from your servant;
answer me quickly, for I am in trouble.
Come near and rescue me;
deliver me because of my foes."
Psalm 69:16-18

"Do not be afraid.
Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today.
Then [enemies] you see today you will never see again.
The LORD will fight for you;
you need only to be sill."
Exodus 14:13-14

Articles and Information

Here are a few links if you want to stay up to date with what's going on.
Disclaimer:  I have not had the chance to review every article below, nor do I even have the expertise to be able to filter what's most reliable.  I will leave that up to your own discernment.
These are for overview purposes only.

An Inspirational Video

A video for the song "How Great is Our God" by healinghaiti.org.
This does not include images of our connection with Auberge des Vieillards but it does include a short and simple solo in Creole from a young boy that I found truly moving.

Our Residents By Name

We always want to honour the dignity of each of our Residents at Auberge des Vieillard.
So, even though I've done this before, here are their names.

Our brothers:
Esler (pictured above)

Our sisters:

Thank you so much for your faithfulness to keep on praying!

Monday, March 25, 2024

Piercing the Darkness with Resurrection Power

It was about noon, 
and darkness came over the whole land 
until three in the afternoon, 
for the sun stopped shining.  
And the curtain of the temple was torn in two.  
Jesus called out with a loud voice, 
"Father, into your hands I commend my spirit."  
When he had said this, he breathed his last.
Luke 23:44-46

Two things are happening at once.
The darkest night,
and the most outrageous access to the Divine.
The sun stops shining.
The temple curtain is ripped in half.
In the darkest moment of Jesus' agony,
the brightest hope of reconciliation with God comes to be.

It was dark for three hours.
No normal eclipse.
And no one knew how long it would be.
The end of the world, it must have seemed.
But the most incredible of things was also true.
The curse of sin was now reversed.
What separated us from God was now paid in full.
And Jesus breathed his last breath,
and hope is breathed out --
Pneuma, Spirit, breath --
in the midst of the darkest hours.

No one can fathom the darkness that covers Haiti.
Just when you think it can't get any worse, it does.

So all the more the wonder,
the triumph,
the hope,
when people step up to be Jesus
in the darkest hours.
Bringing light and love and hope.

For God, who said, 
"Let light shine out of darkness," 
made his light shine in our hearts 
to give us the light of the knowledge of God's glory 
displayed in the face of Christ.
But we have this treasure in jars of clay 
to show that this all-surpassing power 
is from God and not from us.  
We are hard pressed on every side, 
but not crushed; 
perplexed, but not in despair; 
persecuted, but not abandoned; 
struck down, but not destroyed.  
We always carry around in our body 
the death of Jesus, 
so that the life of Jesus 
may also be revealed in our body.
2 Corinthians 4:6-10

To our dear friends at Auberge des Vieillards,
all those who live there and love each other in Christ,
we pray peace and safety and resurrection power over you,
this Easter season,
and always.