Friday, April 3, 2020

The Big Little Things of Life Right Now

In the midst of all the troubling news it might be easy to let this “little” event slip under the radar.

Our first senior, “Uncle” Alphonse, has moved into the building we’ve been working to complete for the past several years.

If you scroll back to past postings on this blog, you will see the entire project from beginning to end, with a lot of adventures in between, making it possible to complete the seniors’ facility and allow folks to move in.   This is a moment to celebrate! 


It is vulnerable people like Alphonse that are most threatened by our current global pandemic.  Even here in Canada, the danger for people over 70 is very real, let along in a country with woefully inadequate health systems.

As of this writing on April 2, 2020, the official case count in Haiti sits at a mere 15, with 0 deaths recorded thus far.  We can only pray that somehow Haiti will be spared, but given the trajectory of this disease even in very developed countries, the foreseeable future does not look good.

I invite you to pray with me for God to prevail against the disease itself, but also against the fear and despair.   As we are already seeing, grace and redemption can and does win out even in the face of such a time as this.  The faith of many who have so little, as is the case of our Haitian brothers and sisters, inspires me always, but especially now.

So we celebrate.  And we pray.  And we wait to watch God be mighty in our midst. 

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