Friday, February 20, 2009

A long day and a finished desk

Today was probably the longest day we've had so far, and yet it may be one of the easiest to discuss. We did a lot of mortar hauling, because we had to "cap" the walls (I'm not quite sure what that means...but it sure involved a lot of hauling heavy buckets). So that took up the majority of our day. Some of the kids liked to turn it into a game where instead of passing the buckets to us, they'd try to run past us and get it to the end of our line before we could catch them. It was all fun and games until one boy tripped and the mortar fell both on dad's head (thank goodness for hats), and the ground.

While all that was occuring, Roger was using various people to help him work on fionishing our first desk! That was fairly exciting. Through the end process there was a cow that watched the whole thing and would voice its comments every once in a while.

One of the highlights of my day was handing out the one month packets of prenatal vitamins that we put together this morning. The principal would bring them over, I would hand them to the women, and he would explain. But every single time they were so thankful, it was one of the first times when I really felt I was making a difference.

Another thing of note was today's craft. Poppy and I were trying to make little pouches with them, out of Starburst wrappers, tape, and construction paper. It was a craft meant for about 15 of the older girls. It ended up being a craft for kids ages 5-15, for about 52 kids. Needless to say, we ran out of wrappers for the last 5 children. As well, with only one roll of tape, the whole craft took about 2 hours and 15 minutes. We usually leave at 4:30pm or we left at 5:15pm, and as mentioned in Roger's brief blog, got a flat tire.

But that about covers our day! :) more to blog tomorrow!
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